My monitors have a mind of their own! They are either in the wrong order or not extended properly. Watch this video to learn how to get those babies in line!
HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME? Maybe you need to check to see if your mic and speakers/headset are correctly selected in Dialpad! I can show you how in 30 seconds!
Sometimes your Dialpad App has trouble remembering which mic and speakers you want to use. Click the Image to follow steps on switching to the correct audio device.
Where is the sound?? Sometimes your computer gets a little confused on which speaker to play the sounds from. Here’s a super quick HOW TO to get that straightened out!
Although the most common calendar intervals are 15 minutes and 30 minutes, you can also change the time scale interval of your calendar to 5, 6, 10, or 60 minutes! Check out this video to see the trick to changing it!